Angels Community Outreach BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE (Now till Sat. Aug. 27th)- When you think of back-to-school, images of new clothes, book bags, notebooks, pencils, new teachers and friends may come to mind. The first day of school should be a day of excitement, but for a child in need the excitement can quickly turn to anxiety. Will they have shoes that fit to wear to school? Will they have a backpack? Will they have all the school supplies to start off the school year? Will YOU help me give a HAND UP to local children/teens in need and ensure they will begin the school year with the tools they need to succeed? Our mission at The Angels Community Outreach is to help children/teens return to school with dignity. We will fulfill this task by supplying the kids/teens the items they need to start off the school year just like their peers.
What makes our Back-to-School Event special is that the children who attend our event get to choose. So often when you are in need you have things given to you. We want the kids to have a chance to pick out the backpack and school supplies they like. They get to choose their favorite color/character backpack and school supplies. Each child that attends our event will be provided lunch, receive a back-to-school haircut, new socks & underwear, toiletries, pajamas, brand new sneakers and will walk around from table-to-table to choose their own backpack and back-to-school items.
•PICK UP a brand-new pair of sneakers and donate them. We are accepting all sizes boys/girls and teens.
•PICK UP a back-to-school item from our list below.
*Make a financial donation in ANY AMOUNT and we will do the shopping for you. (It can cost us close to $100 to cover all the costs per child/teen of lunch, school supplies, underwear, socks, toiletries, backpack, new sneakers, pjs etc.)
-PAYPAL to @AngelsCommunity
-VENMO to @AngelsOutreach
-Mail in a donation
Angels Community Outreach
334 South Broadway
Pitman NJ 08071
*DONATIONS can be dropped off in person any Tue, Wed or Sat. 9am-12noon LAST DROP OFF 8/27
Angels Community Outreach
334 South Broadway
Pitman, NJ 08071
*School Supply List- CLICK HERE
*New Sneaker List- CLICK HERE
(We will continue to update the wish lists)
(ALL items must be new)
Sneakers (All sizes needed)
Backpacks (especially themed & larger sizes)
Binders (1inch to 3inch)
Subject (Tab) Dividers
Post it Notes
Pencil Boxes/Pouches
Loose Leaf Paper (college & wide ruled)
2, 3, 5 Subject Spiral Notebooks (college & wide ruled)
Marker Sets (wide & fine tipped)
Flash Drives
Pens (black, blue, red)
#2 Pencils (regular & mechanical)
Crayons (16 & 24 count)
Glue Sticks & 4 oz. Glue Bottles
Rulers (with inches & metric)
Large Erasers & Cap Erasers
Composition Notebooks
Colored Pencils
Pocket Folders
Index Cards
Socks (kids & teens)
Underwear (kids & teens)
Erasable Pens
Lunch Boxes
Teen toiletries
Kids toiletries